Wednesday, February 14, 2007


AdBrite evolved from the idea of creating a tool to help web publishers sell their own ad space. It is an automated system that gives full publisher control to accept or deny ads, and really be able to sell their own ad space.
AdBrite is not a typical network like AdSense or YPN where it just serves ads that are targeted towards your site. AdBrite is a great incremental on top of programs like AdSense or YPN.
If you had someone who e-mailed you to buy an ad on your site for a specific amount of time, how would you respond? AdBrite is an automoated tool to help you set your price, eliminate negotiations, and provide full transparency to the advertiser and publisher.Get Started with AdBrite Today - Browse the Marketplace - Click Here
Why use AdBrite on top of other ad services?
Imagine you knit sweaters and sell them on eBay. You typically sell a handful a month, but then you learn that one of your customers owns a chain of clothing stores. After some successful transactions, you both decide that partnering outside of eBay would be beneficial and to create a more formalized partnership. You now have something much larger than what you initially had through eBay.
AdBrite is very similar to this concept.
If you put up some premium ad spots up for sale in the marketplace you will have many advertisers who try out your site. Some will work, and some will not, but as you start to get more consistent advertisers you will be able to build larger advertising relationships and sponsorships that are completely within your control. You know who is buying ads, what they are paying, and whether they have seen success with your site (based on repurchaing). This is also the perfect lead source if you have an internal sales team selling ads for your site.
Other ad services control the advertising relationships and typically pay quite well. AdBrite is your opportunity to control your advertising relationships so that all of your revenue is not dependent upon the success of your ad network.
There is no reason not to have some inventory up for sale in the AdBrite marketplace, because the code on your site can be completely hidden, and you can set pricing, so you never know when an advertiser might come shopping through the AdBrite Marketplace and pay the price you demand for certain inventory.
Tips and Tricks.
- Never start your pricing too high. It is better to error on the low side and get advertisers hooked, because then they will be willing to pay higher prices for your inventory when the pricing increases.
- Make sure your placement is worth buying, the popular sellers in the marketplace tend to be sites with the most premium inventory.
- Spend some time tagging your site, and giving proper demographic information
- In your site description provide ideas of advertisers that you think might convert well. You know your audience best.
- AdBrite is more successful if you sell a FEW premium placements as oppposed to just MANY backfill placements.
- Hard code all placements. because of the concreteness of "your ad here". Putting AdBrite in rotation doesn't perform as well. Just like an auction, the beginning price is never the final price.
- Allow a ramping period. AdBrite is a tool to help sell your own inventory, and think of it as a virtual salesperson for you. Any salesperson needs some time to gain traction.
- Entice advertisers with specials. You have full control to set pricing so make occasional specials to entice advertisers.
- Enable AdBrite’s auto pricing which will raise automatically as inventory sells, and lower itself as vacant inventory sits unsold.

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